There's one more thing to consider.

I contest at the 5W level, and work almost
everything I can hear eventually.  That
being the case, 100w might let me work those
stations a bit sooner, but once I've done that,
those 100w won't help me hear any better.
Gotta hear them to work them.

Money spent on an improved antenna system
would far outweigh money spent on extra power,
especially at the 3dB increase level.

73, Bob N6WG

----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Brian Lloyd" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: "Elliott Lawrence" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Cc: <>
Sent: Thursday, May 10, 2007 11:58 AM
Subject: Re: [Elecraft] Yaesu FT-2000 v K-3?

> On May 10, 2007, at 10:06 AM, Elliott Lawrence wrote:
> > One thing that would help would be an additional option for a 200w  
> > capable radio ---- the K3D!!!  I wonder if that is a future  
> > possiblity??!!
> Do you really think that 3dB will be enough of an advantage? That is  
> all you will get when you go from 100W to 200W.
> It seems to me that one needs at least 6dB to make enough difference  
> to make the effort worthwhile. 6dB seems to be the difference  
> between, "I know you are there but I can't quite copy you," and,  
> "QSL." If you started at 100W then you would need 400W to make that  
> difference.
> I tend to think that 10dB is about the right increment and that would  
> be 1000W. That leads me to feel that if you need more power than 100W  
> you are going to need an external amplifier.
> And then there is the issue of path symmetry. Path loss is going to  
> be the same in both directions. Given that most rigs out there are in  
> the 100W range the signal arriving at each end will be the same. Hmmm.
> Oh! The K3 is likely to have a much better receiver than the one the  
> other guy is using. So if he is using 100W and you have acceptable  
> copy on him you might need a 3dB-6dB improvement in your signal in  
> order to deliver an equivalent readability signal to the other end.  
> Interesting thought. Maybe a 200-300W PA wouldn't be such a bad idea  
> after all.
> 73 de Brian, WB6RQN
> Brian Lloyd - brian HYPHEN wb6rqn AT lloyd DOT com
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