The K2 isn't more sensitive than other receivers, Bob, but it seems like
Hams accept a lot more background QRN generators as 'normal' than we did a
few years ago. Time was, the worst source of QRN were the blasted horizontal
sweep oscillators in TV sets. Now that they are fading with the evolution of
flat-panel screens their demise is hardly noticed. They've been swamped with
noisier sources making broadband noise such as computers and other digital
stuff in the shack and, yes, switching power supplies. 

So it's all relative. 

ALL switching power supplies generate huge amounts of RF noise. SOME
switching power supplies are better shielded and filtered to reduce the
noise escaping the box than others. SOME Ham installations have the antenna
feed line better shielded and the antenna farther from the operating
position than others. SOME Hamshacks are electrically "quieter" than others,
with no computer or other digital hardware running (or at least
exceptionally well shielded digital stuff). SOME Ham QTHs have more
background QRN than others (city vs. country - electric fence nearby or no
fence nearby, etc.). 

All of those things add up to a whole range of environments, all of which
contribute to the noise level heard in the receiver, and they all affect the
subjective perception of whether a given switching power supply is "quiet"
or "noisy". 

My linear power supply is staying right where it is under the operating


-----Original Message-----
Hi Elecrafters,

        I just sold my big, heavy linear power supply to replace it with a
small, light weight switching supply that I can pack into a suitcase with my
K2/100. Looking at the reviews, comments on all of the switching
supplies seem to range from "great, absolutely no switching noise" to "noise
everywhere", and everything in between. Given the sensitivity of the K2's
receiver, is power supply switching noise likely to be more of a problem
with the K2 than with some other rigs? Are there any switching power
supplies that you'd recommend that work well with the K2 (and have little or
no switching noise that the K2 would pick up) and are there any that I
should definitely avoid?


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