On May 26, 2007, at 8:24 AM, Wyn wrote:

Hi There,

What I am wondering, is (are) the K2 and K2/100 a 'dead radio(s)'?

IMHO they are not. I have an ICOM IC-706mkII (not a 'g'). It is 10 years old. Compared to the K2 and Ke3 it is a dog. But it looks and works like new so I have no intention of getting rid of it. Any rig that works and works reliably is not obsolete. You can use it as a backup or to help someone else get on the air.

I am planning to buy a K2 for my school to let the kids build it. If it turns out that the ham radio portion of the science and technology program catches on I will probably get a K3 for the school and use the K2 as a second rig that the kids can check out and take home as well as use it for contests and field day.

And consider this: the K3 is a great radio and probably has better performance than the K2. But consider all the other brand new radios from Icom, Kenwood, and Yaesu. How does the K2 stack up to them? I bet you find its performance is as good or better than most of the brand-new radios being purchased today. That tells me it is anything but obsolete.


73 de Brian, WB6RQN
Brian Lloyd - brian HYPHEN wb6rqn AT lloyd DOT com

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