In looking at the K2 schematic, it occurred to me that you could take the IF from the Noise Blanker plug, buffer it, and send to an outboard unit (how's that for outside of the box thinking) that could have the roofing filters and downconverter to the 15KHz DSP IF and then use the K3 DSP technology. You could even have an additional control panel on the outboard box to provide access to the K3 functions. Or you could add an RS-232/USB interface and provide all of the control functions with a PC. With intefaces to both units, the PC software could merge the K2 functionality with the K3 DSP functionality for an integrated system.

Since the K2 IF is not changed, you could easily remove the outboard box to restore the K2 to its original form.

And for first time purchasers, you'd get something to solder (K2) and something to assemble (K2 DSP+). Best of both worlds!
Logan, KZ6O

P.S. Wayne, I  volunteer to be a beta tester.

Lee Buller wrote:

 I've been reading the thread about the future of the K2...a gound  breaking radio that 
will live in infamey.  Some have wondered if  the K2 is a dead radio or will be dropped 
buy Elecraft.  Of course  "E" has responded no....YEA!
Here is my point....maybe the K3 technology (which really was an outgrowth - or evolution - of the K2 experience for the fine fellows at Aptos) will "boomerang" back to the K2. Why couldn't there be a redesign of pieces and parts in the K2 that is a result of the K3 experience. What would it be to put out a new control board that takes the lessons from the K3 to the K2? Like a faster CPU, more memory, more features, etc. Maybe buying an upgrade kit (new board etc) to the K2 in the future turns it into a K2.5/100 or a K2.8/100. You know, a K2 on Steriods..... Lee - K0WA
In our day and age it seems that Common Sense is in short supply.  If you don't 
have any Common Sense - get some Common Sense and use it.  If you can't find 
any Common Sense, ask for help from somebody who has some Common Sense.  Is 
Common Sense devine?
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