Good Evening,
Another fun couple of nets. Twenty meters was pretty good but the last minute switch in frequency to avoid the very active contest may have thrown many of you off the trail. Sorry but there was no way to get on the air anywhere near 14050 kHz since it was wall to wall operators. I tried to get above the RTTY and packet frequencies while avoiding the beacon frequency too. It took a while to get my first nibble so I recorded my CQ ECN string for further use. While I was running in beacon mode I got a bite but missed the call because I was too busy trying to figure out how to make it quit calling! I think I finally remembered to push a button. I know a paddle stroke would do the same thing but in the heat of the moment all that knowledge went out the window. If I only understood what I know I'd be dangerous ;) Still not sure if the paddle stroke is transmitted or not. The forty meter net was far more productive and lasted for nearly an hour. The Midwest had its normal thunderstorms but luckily they were not near Tom so he could call CQ for a while. Good Grief! As I was working through the database I noticed the date. Next week will be the fourth anniversary of the first net! My how time flies! I'll be at SeaPac (our version of a local hamfest) in Seaside, Oregon on Saturday, June 2nd. I'll get to talk with Ron as he explains the K3 to us all. Lisa will be there to take orders so I hope she brings plenty of forms :) Karl, NM7N, is going to pick me up so we can dig under folks' tables and see what goodies we can find. If I find some wire, tubes, sockets, some pc board, and maybe some variable capacitors I'd be satisfied. Since there is no sales tax in Oregon folks from Washington and California stop in to buy rigs from the vendors. As far as I can tell there is no discounting but it is fun to see folks and look at parts. Plus we get to see (and drool on) a K3.
  On to the lists =>

On 14120 kHz at 2300z:
AC7AC - Ron - OR - ? not sure which rig since we chatted about SeaPac
KT5E - Jay - CO - K2 - 5037
K9ZTV - Kent - MO - KX1 - 1354   QNI #5!!

On 7045 kHz at 0200z:
W6ZH - Pete - CA - K2 - 5138
N0SS - Tom - MO - K2 - 008
N9IV - Russ - IN - KX1 - 742
K7TQ - Randy - ID - K2 - 213
W0RSR - Mike - CO - K2 - 5767
W3MC - Mike - MD - KX1 - 1797  With a new rig in running order.
K1THP - Dave - CT - K2 - 3942
W0CZ - Ken - ND - K2 - 1031     QNI #170!!!!
WU7F - Mark - UT - K2 - 2965  is on the air!!
VE3XL - Ric - ON - K1 - 968
KA5OAI - Sam - TX - ?
N5SM - Scott - TX - K2 - 5846   QNI #5!!
WB5BKL - Cranz - TX - ?
WI6O - John - CA - K1 - 922
K6PJV - Dale - CA - K2 - 5345
N0AR - Scott - MN - K2 - 4866
KT5E - Jay - CO - K2 - 5037

Thanks for joining us this evening and I hope you had a good time. I know there were a couple who we simply could not drag out of the QRN. Please try again next week because the bands will be different. I'll be back from the 'fest with money left over(?). Tomorrow I am going to build another small kit just to keep my soldering iron happy. While at OzarkCon we all got one of KD1JV's keyer kits. That will fit nicely into the MMR-40 which is nearing completion. The FCC-1 I just built will be a good bit of test equipment as I continue building things over the next few years. Hopefully I can get the FCC-2 working just as well so I can inject signals in the circuits and look at the results with my oscilloscope. One day I may just learn electronics :)
   Until next week stay well,
         Kevin.  KD5ONS   (Net Control 5th Class)

P.S. By the way: SeaPac is where I met Carter, N3AO, a number of years ago with his lovely wife Kay, N3KN. Get well quick Carter!!

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