Is there one or two local oscillators in a two receiver K3?

I have been puzzling over the stated ability of the K3 to achieve diversity
reception (single signal two independent antennas). For this to work I
believe that the subreceiver 8+ MHz local oscillator and the DDS VFO must be
in phase lock with the main receiver.

I think I read that the subreceiver DDS VFO can be slaved to the main
receiver and I assume this means the two VFOs can be in phase lock.

I have not read anything about phase locking the local oscillator of the sub
receiver to the main receiver or if a single local oscillator is common to
both receivers. If this isn't the case diversity reception won't work
properly unless the phase difference of the two local oscillators is
possibly compensated for in the signal processing chain.

Mike Scott

Tarzana, CA

Elecraft KX1
40M Inverted V
20M Dipole

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