This may not help, if the signal isn't strong enough, but you can set most
phones not to roam. That will restrict it to associating with the correct
tower, if that's what you want.

I learned this trick in the hospital. I had my cell phone being a CDMA modem
for my laptop to get my business back running during a convalescence. The
phone would often associate with a Sprint tower, I'd be G3 and good-to-go.
Unfortunately, there were some roaming towers with better signals. I was
complaining to the nurse about my phone associating with the "wrong"
(stronger) tower, and she suggested I turn off roaming.

For a 30 year networking professional to need to take networking advice from
medical personnel doesn't happen very often, but this time it sure did the



I know this is way off target - but I figure there may be cell phone RF
antenna experts lurking in this forum.

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