There is a very good alternative to software escrow: open software. Since the K3 software is hardware-specific, it is unlikely that it will give other vendors a leg up to see the Elecraft source code. So two things happen by making Elecraft's software open:

1. It solves the escrow problem by automatically creating multiple copies of the source tree. I know I would grab a copy and I am sure others would too.

2. Anyone can generate a software build. Even if Elecraft stopped developing a particular radio, owners can still enhance their equipment, much in the way we still have folks experimenting with older vacuum tube (valve) kit today.

2. Others with good ideas can add functionality and features to the radio without having to wait for Elecraft to get around to it. Elecraft can even fold good, well thought-out features back into the "official" source tree.


73 de Brian, WB6RQN
Brian Lloyd - brian HYPHEN wb6rqn AT lloyd DOT com

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