There are several pieces of good news here:

1) Delayed gratification is good for the soul. It builds character.

2) More time to wait equals more time to gather and count more change for
more options.

3) Third production run is plenty of time to get all the bugs out. I'll
probably be applying patches (software at least; hardware maybe) to my low
serial number K3 while you're happily plugging yours in.

4) All your options will be available when you get your radio. I have to
wait for my subreceiver until September I think.

And there are some lessons to be learned:

1) The early bird gets the worm.

2) Sometimes you go to Dayton and all you DO get is this lousy t-shirt.

3) A penny saved is another 9 months waiting for your K3.

4) Failure to plan on your part does not constitute an emergency on anyone
else's part.

5) There is a penalty for early withdrawal of retirement funds, regardless
of Elecraft's new product announcements.

With all this going for you, you'll be a much better person when your K3
finally arrives.

KX1 #1499
K1 #1966
K2/100 #4941
K3/100 < #220

-----Original Message-----
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of R Atkins
Sent: Thursday, June 21, 2007 12:05 PM
Subject: [Elecraft] K3 production runs - Any increases planned?

Are there any plans to increase the number of units per production run? I've
just been through the roughest financial year of my life. When I heard the
announcement of the K3, I started looking for a way to purchase it. By the
time I found a way (counting change I have been saving for the last dozen
years), the first run was full.

By the time I finished counting out nearly $2000 in change, the second
production run was full. Now I see it's going to be late October before I
even have a chance at one.

I want this radio REALLY bad, but it's very difficult to wait for it when
I've worked through my tech, general, and extra class since the
announcement, have to wait 4 more months still, have nothing but a mobile
2m, and can have any of several (admittedly lesser) radios at my door the
next  day.

I know you want to get this stuff right, and this is huge growth for the
company.. but c'mon Elecraft, please tell me some good news! This is as bad
as finding out that Rudolph broke a leg and Santa won't be here until
Easter! :-)

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