Cathy James wrote:
> W2AGN wrote:
> "The term "Ham Radio" has been used at least for 75 years, possibly
> more. Most of us "old-timers" are proud to be Hams. But then, we took
> "real" exams and even, back in the olden days, had to pass a Morse Code
> test. (After walking barefoot in the snow 5 miles to the FCC examiner,
> of course).
> "Perhaps the term "Ham Radio" has become outmoded, with the new trends
> in Amateur Radio, no more code test, memorized exams, etc. So maybe we
> should "repackage" ourselves.
> "I know! Why don't we call it "Citizen's Band?"  (CB for short)."
>     John, I know you are using some irony here ("barefoot in the
> snow..."), and I don't offend easily, but I have to same that we "new"
> hams (first licensed 1991 in my case) get a little tired of the endless
> litany of "you young whippersnippers ain't as good as us" that is often
> heard from old-timers on the Net.  (Interesting, I don't think I've ever
> heard it in person or on the air.  I don't use 75 meters, and it doesn't
> seem to be common on other bands.)

I always find it interesting that new "Hams" are so defensive. Whenever anything
favorable is mentioned about the "good old days" they immediate spring to the
counter-attack. I believe a good analyst would find symptoms of low self-esteem
in this.

As for your operating and building skills, congratulations. You obviously chose
to go beyond the memorization of simple questions, and improved your knowledge
and skills. I fear you are an exception. For every one truly motivated Ham such
as yourself, there are another 10, of whom at least 5 never get beyond the
Handi-talky on the belt stage, and 5 drop out altogether, after finding that
they were woefully ill-equipped by the memorization of the exam questions.

But, you say, we need MORE HAMS. As the ARRL preaches from the Holy City in
Connecticut, bring in MORE HAMS! Well, this old-timer saith unto ye, we need

BTW, the term is "whippersnappers."

  _    _    _    _    _
 / \  / \  / \  / \  / \   John L. Sielke
( W )( 2 )( A )( G )( N )
 \_/  \_/  \_/  \_/  \_/
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