
The only electrical thing that could cause a difference between ANT1 and ANT2 is the relay contacts of KAT2 K18. Other than those contact closures and the PC board traces there is nothing different between ANT1 and ANT2. You might want to consult the schematic and do a continuity test to see what may be the real source of the problem. On the surface of things and based on the information you have presented I would say that K18 has a bad set of contacts on the ANT2 contacts. A problem like that could have been caused by a lightning surge - did you have a storm early for FD?


Mark Adams, PE wrote:
Hi Gang,

Used my trusty K2 at the K2ZR 2A-Battery FD at the Buffalo Lighthouse again this year. It bagged the lions share of our 1166 HF CW QSO's.

Murphy struck at the opening bell. In a nutshell, we had the CF ladder dipole connected to ANT1 and the yagi to ANT2. The first op noticed poor sensitivity (2-4 S-Units) and high noise (S2-5)on the beam. After a huge fire drill, we found that whatever was connected to ANT2 had this trouble. Tuning the antennas on ANT2 and menus checks did not indicate a problem. So we ended up running only ANT1 and switching antennas the old fashioned way.

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