You can reinsulate the wire by painting it with clear nail polish. In fact, the cores are not a concern as they are an insulating material. The bare wire touching the core is not a concern, a bare wire touching an adjacent winding is what to avoid. You do not have to have the turns pulled so tight against the cores that you are abrading the insulation. Gently pushing or pulling them thru should be fine. I sometimes make my cores "look better" by pushing gently on the winding to make the wires lie more flat against the core. This is safely done with the fleshy part of the thumb.

----- Original Message ----- From: "John Young" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Cc: "ElecraftList" <>; "Clark Macaulay" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Thursday, July 05, 2007 1:36 PM
Subject: Re: [Elecraft] Toroid Winding Question

I've not had a problem - yet,

Has anyone tried painting the rough areas with a little clear nail polish?
Seems simpler than trying to sand or drill and should not affect the inductance.

73 John

Clark Macaulay wrote:
> Perhaps this question has been raised before, but I haven't been able > to find it in the archives nor in the manual.
> I've built a K1 (words fine) and am now building a K2. Yesterday, > while finishing one of the first toroids in kit, I noticed one of the > turns had crossed over the previous one, so I began to unwind it. Then > I noticed that the wire had the enamel nicked in several places and > chose to replace it.
> In thiking over what might have happened, wondered if I may have been > pulling the winding too tight. Currently, I'm "pushing" the wire > through the center of the core rather than "pulling" it so as to keep > it away from the core to minimize scratching it. Obviously, though, > it's not possible to know if the winding has been scratching in making > the bend around inside.
> So, my question is, to quote Shakespear, is my concern "much ado > about nothing"? Am I winding them too tight (I noticed there are LONG > leads after winding that could indicate the turns are too tight)?
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John D Young
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