
You must check RFC15 with n ohmmeter to determine if it is open or not.

Even if it is open, there will be 5 volts on both sides of RFC15.


Greg Storms wrote:
Thanks for all the replies!

Not a power supply problem. Does exactly the same thing when on battery backup. Nothing new in the operating position to create a problem. RFC15 is *NOT* open. There is 5 volts on both sides of it.

Don Wilhelm wrote:

One thing you may want to check is RFC15 on the bottom of the RF Board. Check it with an ohmmeter to be certain it is not open. If you try to do it by measuring the voltage on each side of the choke, you will find 5 volts on both sides whether it is open or not.

Greg Storms wrote:
I have just started experiencing a tremendous distortion on my transmitted signal (K-2). It was first noticed by a SSB contact. He said my transmission was strong but nearly unreadable. I duplicated it at low and high power on a separate receiver. It occurs on both SSB and CW. This happened rather suddenly as I had contacts the previous day with no problems noted.

Occurs when the KAT-100 is grounded or ungrounded and on different antennas. Anyone else had this happen? Suggestions
as to where to begin looking?

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