Tom Miller wrote:

The DigiKeyer puts a high quality sound card OUTSIDE of the computer, and also chats with your radio on serial or TTL. It all connects to your PC with a single USB (1.1 & 2.0) connection. Although I've never tried it, it claims support for Macintosh computers without the requirement of loading any new drivers.

Any chance that someone has any real-world experience as to the clock accuracy of the sound card used in the external interface? I.e. how far off is it on Rx and Tx? I think MixW in Windows lets you check that, or MMSSTV.

I see they also claim Linux compatibility with this product, too.

I'd be really interested to see how the clock timing stacks up on this, i.e. if it's reasonably accurate both in Rx and Tx sample rates and stable as to any error value.

Rick Kunath, k9ao
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