Just one of many changes is that there are now 10 programable keys.  Two have 
on label on the front panel (hold functions of the RIT and XIT buttons) and 
you can also program the M1-4 buttons as a PFx in both TAP and HOLD, that gives 
8 more PFx functions for a total of 10.  When you want to use any of the M1-4 
buttons for messages, you record  your message in the normal way and it reverts 
back to that function.

Another great update is when operating FSK from the CW key when not connected 
to a 
computer.  Now you can use your CW messages you programmed into the M1-4 
and the K3 will convert them to FSK.

Greg - AB7R
Whidbey Island WA

On Wed Aug 29 10:40 , Thom LaCosta  sent:

>On Wed, 29 Aug 2007, JT Croteau wrote:
>> On 8/29/07, Thom LaCosta [EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>>> And some folks who laid out just as much money are NOT that upset
>>> about the delay and the lack of announcements....
>> Good things come to those who wait, patiently!
>I am reminded of the the phrase...."It's just a hobby, just a hobby"
>It might be interesting reading to learn what features were improved and/or 
>added between the first announced and the actual ship date.....but then there 
>would be people who harruph over the fact that they will neve use those 
>Buck Up Aptos....the K3 is a real of example of you can please some of the 
>people some of the time, but never all of the people all of the time.
>73 k3hrn
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