Thom LaCosta wrote:
> On Wed, 29 Aug 2007, W2AGN wrote:
>> money that is in Elecraft's hands. For that, I would expect to be kept
>> up to
>> date on shipping. I am sorry if that offends those who worship at the
>> Elecraft
>> Altar, but I am not a believer in their divinity, just a customer.
> You have such a way with words;s always amuzing to watch you
> turn discussions into personal name-calling.

Personal name calling? I fail to see any personal reference in my comment, other
than that that may be taken by someone. In other words, "If the shoe fits...."

> I don't worship at Elecraft's Altar...I am just willing to trade time
> for a finished product that has more than I expected at the
> outset....but then again, by doing that I give up my right to whine and
> stir bovine output.

Oh, that's OK, Thom, you always find some way to expel the bovine output. (Now
THAT was a personal comment!)

John - W2AGN
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