Elecraft Inc. has probably the most stellar
customer communication record of any large
or small company that comes to mind.  Their
record, in the amateur communication manufacturing
and design arena - is pretty much unheardof.

When will Icom Inc. communicate how they are
doing on their someday to be announced IC-7200?
What is the story on R&D, new products, and
development at Kenwood Communications, on ham gear? 
When was the last time Yaseu asked the amateur
community what they wanted in the way of
new communications products?  When ever did
Heath Company - ever communicate anything of
significance to the ham community?  Especially
on matters of product development.  Had you
ever seen any customer communications - from
Drake, Hammarlund, Hallicrafters, or Collins -
on the status of their product development
group?  Did Millen Co. ever communicate their
product ideas to us hams?

You many not realize this, but most major players
in the electronics and consumer products industries,
got out of their way NOT to communicate to the
public or customer base - until after all the
dust and R&D and distribution has settled -
and their product is on the store shelves.  Then
you just get glossy brochures.  Greats like
Eastman Kodak - went so far, as to NOT patent
or disclose patent ideas to the U.S. Patent
office, so as to not to communicate product
or technology ideas or actions to competitors.
This is a common practice in the R&D and
engineering fields.  They would rather chance
patent infringement legal actions, than communicate
what they were up to technically, to competitors.

So IMHO - when the staff at Elecraft is working
24/7 to get their latest K3 offering out to
the consuming public, us hams, they really do 
not deserve the remarks that have been posted
by some, or complaints of poor communications.
Rather, just the opposite, they have over

I would say any Elecraft guilt - may be that they
tend to over communicate their product ideas
and specifications, and schedules - to competitors way
too early, and way too much.

Hey ......... we all pretty much agree that they
develop and market some of the best communications
products out there.   Let's let them do their
24/7 job.   If one can't wait, or thinks they are
being treated poorly, cancel your order.  Others
are waiting in the wings.

de Fred, N3CSY

Moody friends. Drama queens. Your life? Nope! - their life, your story. Play 
Sims Stories at Yahoo! Games.
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