On Thu, 6 Sep 2007 [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

In a message dated 9/6/07 3:52:24 AM Eastern Daylight Time,

I don't understand
why people have to get so competitive about radio.

Because, for some folks, it's fun to compete.

So, with today's trends in education to prohibit personal responsibility and to shelter the youngsters from the negative aspects of competition, does that mean we can look forward to a standstill in radio, since you stated:

All of the improvements in our
methods, rigs and antenna systems since then have been the direct results of 
competition of various kinds.

If they can't play competitive sports because their delicate personalities might get injured, how can we expect them to enter a contest where they might not win?

All of the improvements are direct result of competition? So none of them were made simply to satisfy the creator, or give him/her what he/she wanted that was not driven by competition?

There are most likely a small number of folks who go about life meeting or exceding their own standards, and don't gague their happiness or suceess on the basis of "beating" someone else.

73 - k3hrn
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