Puzzles me that some would see the negative side  of competition. If you 
think the kids at the local schools can't deal with  competition or somehow 
it, just go to the local high school football game  on a Friday night - that 
cheering is coming from the stands! They are competing  right along with the 
ones in the mud.
Ever wonder why computer games are more  popular than ham radio?  And its not 
just playing against the machine. The  competition on the net gaming is 
fierce.  What do my students look forward  to most of all?
1. Get to build their own radios.
2. Getting to compete to  see whose rig is best performer, who finishes 
first, who get their license  first, who gets the first contact, who gets first 
who gets the top score in  the next contest, who. . . 
3. When they are worn out by Ham radio they can't  wait to  do the next logic 
game design project so elementary school kids  can have more classroom 
competitive games. ( we make a game that allows students  to play a classroom 
version of the TV game show 'Jeopardy' ). Teachers'  love them because the 
kids love them. Can't make enough of them.

Al  WA6VNN (Instructor of all things electronic at www.dphs.org )  

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