Bob (et al):

I have nothing to do with Elecraft inside operations in any way,
shape, or form, but your request has only ONE answer.  If they still
waiting on parts, in terms of p>.99, Elecraft has ZERO idea of when
the radios can or will ship.  The ONLY time they can "forecast"
delivery dates for the K3, with any real probably of success, is AFTER
they receive all of the correct and properly functioning parts.  Once
those are in-house, then Elecraft is in control.  Until then, Elecraft
is NOT in control.

Vendor promises, while often trusted, are "nothing but words."  Parts
in hand is the only thing that counts.This is not a criticism, it is
simply reality (what you called "brutally honest").

If you are looking for "honest" communications (and I think we all
are), then I'd ask Elecraft to let us know when they have all of the
parts in hand AND have confirmed that they are the right parts AND
that they actually function as per/meet Elecraft specs.  Failing
receipt of "everything" from all of the vendors, anything posted about
delivery is, in reality, total guess-work.

de Doug KR2Q
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