On Thu, 27 Sep 2007, Don Wilhelm wrote:

Larry Makoski wrote:

Nowhere in the Constitution are you guaranteed the right to not be offended.

Nor do we have any right or priveledge to *be* offensive! This reflector (like the rest of ham radio) is a multi-cultural, multi-national, and multi-racial group, so please "play nice". Social faux pas may be excusable, but should not be encouraged nor amplified IMHO.

Of course things could go too far....perhaps we should never use the term OM, since some might view it as age-related discrimination. It would appear that some folks have stopped using such antiquated sexist terms like XYL.

And just to confuse the issue(which shouldn't be one), in many areas "Jive Talk" is racially neutral...like baggy pants, etc....various colors of folks use the language...and so to poke fun at the language pattern is not racial.

73 - k3hrn
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