I'll second Don's suggestion about using a 1/4 wave 'counterpoise' and
forgetting the balun! 

Philosophically, I keep all passive components that I can do without out of
the antenna system simply because are no "passive" components! If something
doesn't add gain or power, it absorbs signal or power. Nothing is neutral. 

All baluns contribute to loss. The only question is, how much?. You are
quite right that baluns not operating near their design impedances and with
significant reactance present (as with a 'non-resonant' antenna) are very
unpredictable. I wince when a QRP enthusiast observes that he has no balun
losses because it doesn't get hot. With a significant core, even 3 dB of 5
watts - 2.5 watts - isn't likely to heat a big core enough to detect by
feel. I consider any loss significant, much less half the RF power! 

There are places where a balun is a wonderful device worth every fraction of
a dB of the small loss it introduces when used properly, but feeding a
random wire, off center fed wire or other such antenna is seldom a good use
in my experience. An 'artificial' RF ground provided by a 1/4 wave wire is
far more effective. 

An option to the 1/4 wave "counterpoise" that uses less wire is to use a
shorter wire and a loading coil that is adjusted for maximum current in the
wire. A small light bulb can be switched into the wire to find the point of
maximum current. MFJ makes a nifty little "artificial" ground that is
essentially a small ATU with a current sensor so one can adjust it for
maximum current into the counterpoise. Maximum current = minimum RF voltage
at the rig: just what you want. I know several operators who use them quite


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