I know I'll regret this but it's the only way I'll force myself to
build the QRP homebrew station I've been saying I'll build for the
past 20 years.  As long as there's a working rig in the shack, I find
the homebrew stuff easy to talk about but hard to get moving on.
Especially if the existing rig is a K2...


Elecraft K2 No. 4958.  "Firmware 2.04P 1.09"
Bought it new in June 2005.
Built it myself.  Very clean build, very proud of the soldering /
construction quality
(prior to this one, built another K2, two K1's, and a KX1.  EE background here).

Last month I did a complete tune-up / realignment on it.

It works perfectly.

Options installed:

KAT2 (20 W internal tuner, with dual antenna ports)
KNB2 (noise blanker)
KAF2 (audio filter & clock)

$695 includes shipping within U.S.
Current Elecraft price is $639 plus shipping, unassembled.

--Andrew, NV1B
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