As one who also waits, can I just say how much I and what's worse, my
family, can relate to this! Same blood group too!
Very well done Sir.

On 13/11/07 23:52, "David Yarnes" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> sent:

> I'm still bored!
> Here's my final version!
> I'm awfully wound up and in deepest distress
> When I last talked to Lisa she said in a week, perhaps less
> You'll be hearing from me, you are getting so close
> But two weeks have now passed with no word from Aptos.
> The wait is so painful, my gut's in a knot
> I so wish I could see that new rig that I bought.
> Be patient they say, so I'm biting my lips
> I may need a transfusion before my K3 ships.
> And all of you others who share my despair
> Know only too well why I have no more hair.
> The nails on my fingers are bloody and short
> I've gnawed them all off I am sad to report.
> I toss in my sleep, and I mumble strange phrases
> And my wife is concerned by my long empty gazes.
> My dog now avoids me, he knows something's amiss
> He just can't understand something painful like this.
> I must stop all this moaning, buck up, and be strong
> After six long, dry months, can the wait still be long?
> I'll continue my vigil, Heck! what else can I do
> (I'm a mess you can tell, it's like getting the flu.)
> Stop this nonsense you fool! Get hold of yourself!
> After all, as the Brits say, it's only more pelf.
> Kiss the wife, pet the dog, make the most of your time
> Don't encourage frustration with dumb lines of rhyme.
> But I do have one favour I think I should ask
> If I turn out to be less than up to the task
> If any of you happen to be passing my way
> Check on me please if your blood type is A....
>      Positive, that is!
> O.K.  I'll quit now!!!!!!!!
> Dave W7AQK

If you must play, decide on three things at the start: the rules of the
game, the stakes, and the quitting time. -Chinese Proverb

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