I am not having success with the Firmware Upload process.

OS on old Laptop PC is Windows 2000, K3 Utility loads ok, COM1 selected,
selecting the Test Communications
yields "K3 is running main program RS232 4800bps"

Current versions installed on K3 boards displays as: MCU-1.34 DSP-1.35

The path is C:\Program Files\Elecraft K3 Utility\firmware to receive files.

I keep getting the 'missing files' message and to See Help-Troubleshooting.

OK, I go to Troubleshooting via the Help page and I must not be holding my
right, (fishing talk), but the obvious is not.........

Otherwise...K3 #75 is receiving nicely!! and generates RF!! No QSO's yet.
The PA
module awaits installation.  I spent quite a bit of time just looking over
boards under magnification....absolutely amazing...going from the ideas to

73, Roger WA7BOC
K3 #75
K2 #755 has a new home in Oregon, once the K3 is all set.

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