N8LP has a SDR panadapter project in the works, and I've used my Z90
with the K3 with some success.

73, doug

   From: "Simon Brown (HB9DRV)" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
   Date: Sun, 25 Nov 2007 10:04:11 +0100

   The quietness compliments have mainly come from CW and Data mode operators. 
   I know of a few IC-7800 owners who have sold the IC-7800 now that they have 
   the K3 (info received by private emails). I guess that being in VR2 (Hong 
   Kong) you do not have the most quiet background - here in the Swiss Alps at 
   10:03 AM my background noise on 40m is S1!

   A big advantage of the IC-7800 is the panadator, especially when monitoring 
   6m. Other advantages may be the 200W and internal PSU, but IMO the K3 wins 
   out in the other areas. If Elecraft doesn't produce a panadator then I'll 
   write a SDR console for the small SoftRock SDR receiver and use that, in 
   fact I would like to get into SDR console software in 2008 / 2009.

   Finally: I'm a receiver guy - I would like a R3/K3 combination similar to my 
   TR-7/R-7 combo of the late 1970's but this will not happen.

   Simon Brown, HB9DRV

   ----- Original Message ----- 
   From: johnny

   I don't quite agree to that at this moment especially to the 'quietness'.  I 
   usually operate in voice mode and will use some time to do an A/B 
   comparison.  I shall come back to the group in due course. 

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