And note that, unlike some other rigs, you can't choose to receive on VFO B -- you always receive on A and you have a choice to transmit on A or B (of course, you can copy the frequency from B to A and then receive on it; but you are still using VFO A to receive.

Hi Vic,

Perhaps a daft question, but assuming that the DX is working SPLIT, that I am NOT using RIT nor XIT and that I am listening to the DX with VFO A. If I now want to listen to the calling stations which would normally be done VFO B, which also controls my Tx frequency when listening to the DX on VFO A, and then reverting back to VFO A to listen to the DX before transmitting, if I cannot use VFO B for receiving and have to use VFO A does this mean that when I call after finding a 'hole' I would then risk transmitting on the DX's frequency? If I understand correctly what you mean by copying 'the frequency' from B to A, would that not slow down one's ability to change Tx frequency rapidly in a pile-up situation?

I must be missing something.


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