Ian GM3SEK asked:

Are the different types of screws packaged separately in the kit?


No, the folks organizing the kit packaged the parts roughly by assembly such
a front panel, KIO3 Interface, etc. The assembly manual illustrated parts
list is broken down to show what parts are in each package. In this case,
both flat head screws and pan head screws are in the "K3 Miscellaneous Bag"
containing much of the enclosure hardware. 

That's why we specify the specific size and type of screw and show a picture
of where each one goes throughout the manual.

In this case I think it's clear more emphasis on the bottom screws being PAN
head screws is justified and should appear in future revisions of the

However, it's very important to read and check off every step in the
procedure and, if something doesn't fit right, the first thing to do is to
go back and read the step and look at the picture again.


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