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David Wilburn wrote:
> I was planning on waiting till next year when the K3 gets here to play
> with RTTY, but after seeing all the activity this past weekend I am
> getting the itch.  So I am trying to understand what I need to do to get
> the K2 on RTTY, or if I am better off to wait.  Separate from these
> questions, I do need to re-visit the K2's alignment and filter settings.
> It could use some attention, as I have learned more since I performed
> the last ones after the SSB installation.
> The long term view is that the K3 will become the primary operating /
> contesting rig, and the K2 will be used as a back-up and to search for
> other stations / multi's while in the contest.  So I need to be
> cognizant of how much I spend on a K2 only solution at this time.
> I do understand I need the following;
> * Computer, soundcard, and software
> * K2 needs an alignment, and turn on and setting of the RTTY filters
> * Interface between the computer and the K2
> * RTTY software
> Anything I didn't consider?

Nope, that pretty much covers it.

1. Don't scrimp on the sound card, you get what you pay for.

2. I've read through the RTTY filter setting how to's. Somebody needs to
do a step by step like N0SS does for CW and SSB.

3. MicroHam makes some pretty good stuff. If they'd been around when I
got into the digi side of things I probably would have purchased an
interface from them instead of RigBlaster. Once again don't go cheap,
you get what you pay for. I know there will be folks who say "build your
own". There is a world of difference between the home rolled interfaces
and the commercial variety from a quality and feature set point of view.

3A. If you're going to do SSB contesting get a DVK capable software
package or interface. The MkII MicroHam has one built in. I use the
computer and N1MM.

4. Take a look at contesting software like Writelog($$$) or N1MM(free)
which include RTTY capability, either through the MMTTY engine or natively.

- --
R. Kevin Stover, ACØH
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