Just for giggles, I connected the headphone jack of the K2 to the input
of an external soundcard that I picked up yesterday.  I have been able
to receive RTTY and PSK.  

I was just curious, what all I need to do to transmit?  I understand I
need PTT and get audio on the mic connector.  If I picked up the
attenuator cable from radio shack, and then run it to mic audio, and
used a switch for PTT, would that get me to where I could transmit?  I
have the 5.6k ohm resistor across the mic connections now, and I am
using the Elecraft hand mic.  

I don't know if radio shack has audio transformers for isolation, but I
do not have mic connectors (fosters?).  I would have to get that first,
not sure there are any around here.  

Would this setup get me on the air for now?  I will setup a more formal
arraignment once the K3 gets here.  

I did hear a guy in Texas, said he was doing his first RTTY on his new
K3, talking to someone else, I think they had a K2.  He said he was
sending with paddles.  You could tell it was a bit slower than the
computer connection where someone was typing.  But it came through fine.

Merry Christmas

David Wilburn
K2 S/N 5982

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