80 METER FOXHUNT (CW) *** QRP Contest ***
Each Tuesday to Mar 25 9 PM to 10:29 PM Eastern Time USA
Info: http://www.qrpfoxhunt.org/
40 METER FOXHUNT (CW) *** QRP Contest ***
Each Thursday to March 27
9 PM to 10:29 PM Eastern Time USA
Info: http://www.qrpfoxhunt.org/
Straight Key Night (CW) EST: Dec 31, 1900 to Jan 1, 1900 UTC: Jan 1, 0000z to 2400z Info: http://www.arrl.org/contests/rules/2008/skn.html
AGB NYSB -"New Year SnowBall" Contest (80M - All) ...QRP Category
Jan 1, 0000z to 0100z Rules: http://www.qsl.net/eu1eu/agb_nysb.htm
AGCW Happy New Year Contest (CW)...QRP Category
Jan 1, 0900z to 1200z
Rules: http://www.agcw.org/agcw-con/2007/Englisch/happynew_e.htm
AGCW VHF/UHF CW Contest ... QRP Category
Jan 1, 1600z to 1900z (144 Mhz)
Jan 1, 1900z to 2100z (432 Mhz)
Rules: http://www.agcw.org/agcw-con/2007/Englisch/agcw-dl0_e.htm
ARRL RTTY Roundup ... <= 150W Category
Jan 5, 1800z to Jan 6, 2400z
Rules: http://www.arrl.org/contests/calendar.html?year=2008
EUCW 160 Meter Contest (CW) ... QRP Category
Jan 5, 2000z to 2300z and Jan 6, 0400z to 0700z
Rules: http://www.agcw.org/eucw/eu160.html
Adventure Radio Society - Spartan Sprint (CW) ... QRP Contest!
Jan 8, 0200z to 0400z (First Monday 9 PM EST)
Rules: http://www.arsqrp.com/
SKCC Sprint (Straight Key CW)  ... QRP Awards
Jan 9, 0000z to 0200z
Rules: http://skccgroup.com/sprint/sprint-rules.htm
070 Club PSKFEST Contest  ... QRP Category
Jan 12, 0000z to 2400z
Rules: http://www.podxs.com/html/pskfest.html
Michigan QRP Club Contest (CW) ... QRP Contest!
Jan 12, 1200z to Jan 13, 2359z Rules: http://www.qsl.net/miqrpclub/contest.html
North American QSO Party (CW) (100w max. QRP Entries Noted)
Jan 12, 1800z to Jan 13, 0600z
Rules: http://www.ncjweb.com/naqprules.php
SKCC Weekend Sprint (Straight Key CW) ... QRP Category
Jan 13, 0000z to 0000z
Rules: http://www.skccgroup.com/sprint/wes/wknd-sprint-rules.html
DARC 10-Meter Contest (CW/SSB)... <=100 W category
Jan 13, 0900Z to 1059Z
Rules: http://www.darc.de/referate/dx/xedczr.htm
NAQCC Straight Key/Bug Sprint *** QRP CONTEST! ***
EST: Jan 16, 8:30 PM to 10:30 PM
UTC: Jan 17, 0130z to 0330z
Rules: http://www.arm-tek.net/~yoel/contests.html
LZ OPEN CONTEST (CW 80M/40M) ...QRP Category
Jan 19, 0400z to 1200z
Rules: http://www.linkove.com/lz-open-contest/
North American QSO Party (SSB) (100w max. QRP Entries Noted)
Jan 19, 1800z to Jan 20, 0600z
Rules: http://www.ncjweb.com/naqprules.php
ARRL January VHF Sweepstakes ... Low Power Category
Jan 19, 1900z to Jan 21, 0400z
Rules: http://www.arrl.org/contests/calendar.html?year=2008
Run For The Bacon (CW) *** QRP Contest ***
EST: Jan 20, 9:00 PM to 11:00 PM
UTC: Jan 21, 0200z to 0400z
Rules: http://fpqrp.net/
CQ WW 160-Meter DX Contest (CW) ... QRP Category
Jan 26, 0000z to Jan 27, 2359z
Rules: http://www.cq-amateur-radio.com/awards.html
BARTG RTTY Sprint Contest Jan 26, 1200z to Jan 27, 1200z
Rules: http://www.bartg.org.uk/contests/08sprintrules.htm
UBA DX Contest (Belgian) (SSB) ... QRP Category
Jan 26, 1300z to Jan 27, 1300z
Rules: http://www.uba.be/hf_contests/rules_en.html#
SPAR Winter Field Day (Any Mode)
Jan 26, 1700z to Jan 27, 1700z
Rules: http://www.spar-hams.org/contests/winterfd/index.php
MQFD Monthly Sprint (CW/PH/Digital) *** QRP Contest ***
Jan 26, 1800z to 2200z
Rules: http://w2agn.net/mqfdsprint.html
Jan 30, 9 PM to 11 PM EST Rules: http://www.io.com/~n5fc/barbershop_contest.htm
Thanks to SM3CER, WA7BNM, N0AX(ARRL), N2APB, WB3AAL and others for assistance in compiling this calendar.

If you wish to subscribe to the Calendar,
send an e-mail to [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Please forward the contest info you sponsor to [EMAIL PROTECTED] and
we will post it and give it more publicity.
Anyone may use this "N2CQ QRP Contest Calendar" for your website,
newsletter, e-mail list or other media as you choose. (Include a credit to the source of this material of course.)
72 de
Ken Newman - N2CQ
N2CQ QRP Contest Calendar Links:

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Post to: Elecraft@mailman.qth.net
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Help: http://mailman.qth.net/subscribers.htm
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