In a message dated 1/1/08 9:22:31 AM Eastern Standard Time, [EMAIL PROTECTED] 

> Four wires, each approximately 3-4m (10-13 feet) long. The PW-1 is
> ground mounted with radials stretched out orthogonal to each other.
> I also failed to mention the bands that I tried. The were 40, 30 and
> 20m.

Well, there's part of the problem: Too few radials, and too short for the 
band. Try adding more wires, and making them longer.

The other issue is skip distance. Verticals less than about 5/8 wave long 
have good low-angle radiation (towards the horizon) but poor radiation at 
angles. If you are trying to work someone a few hundred miles away, a vertical 
may not put enough RF at the correct radiation angle.

73 de Jim, N2EY 

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