> Dave, N1LQ wrote : The delay of the second receiver
option is to me both highly
and somewhat deceptive. 

I, for one, based my purchase decision greatly on this
option being 
ready for prime time which is obviously was not and
apparently will not
be any time soon.  Production delays are forgivable
and understandable 
but discovering that this option which is touted as a
big-time feature 
but is really no where near ready is confidence

I have been personally patient waiting for my K3 (as
are many others) 
and occasionally publicly supportive on this list of
the delays that 
Elecraft has been experiencing. Now we discover that a
MAJOR K3 feature
is no where near production ready, if even designed at
this time. Come 
on.... <

I have to agree with Dave here. It's the same
situation here. The delays are understandable. Even a
SHORT, further delay with the KRX3, was accepable. Now
it's listed merely as "DELAYED". What does that really
mean? If I recall correctly, the KRX3 2nd receiver
option has been on the Elecraft info/order sheet, with
no mention of being available "in the future", at any
time since its annoucement. All of the info sheets I
have from Dayton show the KRX3 as being like any other
option...such as filters. This option was certainly a
deciding factor in ordering a K3. It wasn't until
quite a few orders were taken that it was suddenly
listed with a later shipping date that continues, even
now, to slip. ( A big slip apparently, since now there
isn't even a projected date ) I was never informed
when placing my order on May 25th that the KRX3 would
not be available with the rest of my order. Was anyone
else who ordered before the KRX3 delay was posted
notified that the it would not be immediately
available? My 50% deposit was calculated with the KRX3
option included. It would be nice to know exactly
what's going on here. If it is, as Wayne said, that
they are redesigning for a valid reason, then there is
no way the KRX3 should have been listed as an
available option from Day 1.

I was thinking about having my deposit applied to a K2
and waiting until "who knows when" for the 2nd
production run to be shipped. Now, with the KRX3 news,
I'm not sure what direction to go. It has made me
decide to scrap the K2 idea. Perhaps an Orion II or an
Omni VII for now and continue to wait and see on the
K3. I could probably have either Ten-Tec within a week
or so. Then, when the K3 comes along, I can do my own

And, in reading a few of the latest list postings,
there appears to be some issues with using the K3
being used in a certain manner before the KRX3 is
available. ie. VFO A/B things. To me, having one band
on VFO A and another on VFO B is perfectly normal and
should not be an issue.

It does seem that the K3 was actually announced and
released a bit before it was ready for Prime Time.
That was probably driven by the Visalia and Dayton
dates which, obviously, would not be slipped.

Dave N8AG

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