This missive caused me to look at my installation also. I found that the situation was not good. The contacts in the db9m connector made very minimal contact. In fact the retaining screws would not draw the connectors together fully and if the connectors were forced together as far as they would go ,you could then pull on the connector attached to the cable and the result was you were able to pull the connectors apart by .03 or more but still evidently making contact but in my mind not a good situation at all....Also the cable connector could be wiggled somewhat. I have made a couple of wire washers from #18 wire and placed them between the shoulder of the retaining screws and the connector housing, also I removed the lock washers from under the jack screw nuts. This gave me another.07 of engagement when the screws were tightened to hold the connectors together and there is no longer any wiggle of the cable connector. Works for me until something better comes along.

                       Gil  K8EAG   K3 99

----- Original Message ----- From: "Bob Patten" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> To: "Elecraft Reflector" <>; <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Friday, January 18, 2008 8:11 AM
Subject: [Elecraft] K3 I/O Caution

I've been having intermittent computer problems with the K3 connected ever since installing the K3 on the operating desk. The ultimate disaster occurred during the RTTY Roundup when the computer shut itself off and lost my log with approximately 1100 QSO's. After making various attempts to block RF from entering the computer, I ran across what appears to be the solution.

The DB9M connector on my serial cable used for K3 I/O had the standard threaded studs installed. These had to be removed to allow fitting to the K3 I/O port with its own threaded studs. With the studs removed, the connectors mated, but nothing but friction to hold them together. I wondered if perhaps the shells were making intermittent contact. I next drilled through the connector body where the studs were removed and inserted a spare pair of thumb screws that were left over from a DB9F connector. With these screwed into the K3's threaded studs to secure the connectors, I've not had any further RF problems with the computer.

73,     Bob Patten, N4BP                Plantation, FL

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