>The point of all this is, I would like to see a list.

>I know of no development group that doesn't already
maintain a list of bugs and ongoing projects.

        Elecraft does maintain a list of issues that
the Field Test team has access to.  Although I can
see arguments both pro and con to making it public,
that decision ultimately rests with the owners.

        Having previously been on a beta test team for
another SDR rig, I can tell you the professionalism and
responsiveness of both Elecraft's designers and Field
Test team is ~20 dB beyond what I experienced before.
It is frankly amazing to me to see a bug reported and
sometimes see a fix in place within a few hours!  The
quality of regression testing is also much higher than
previously experienced, when one fix sometimes created
two additional bugs.  For this stage in the life cycle
of the K3, about 3 months after first customer shipment,
both the stability and quality of the K3 firmware is far
better than I previously experienced.

        I know this won't satisfy everyone but hopefully
it may make others feel a little more comfortable that
Elecraft does have a professional firmware development
process in place.

                                73,  Bill  W4ZV

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