Great Pics!!!

>>> If you look carefully at the high resolution
versions, you can see me peering back at the other
plane to maintain spacing.

This is some flying term that I am unfamilar with. Is
"maintain spacing" important in flying? ;-)


"Never let another airplane get in the way of a good

The in-flight photo was taken by a pilot friend and
professional photographer, Dan Dawson, while we flew
formation from Watsonville up to Half Moon Bay for
lunch on Sunday, Dec 30th. (He was a passenger in the
other plane.)

A friend wanted pics of his plane, a recently
refurbished 1970's Cessna
172, so I was the photo plane on the way up. After a
free lunch from him, Dan moved to the 172 plane and
they took pics of me on the way back home.

for the complete picture set of both planes. If you
look carefully at the high resolution versions, you
can see me peering back at the other plane to maintain

And to answer another frequent question - No, I do not
make HF QSOs while in flight as PIC :-)  (But when
Lerma is PIC I might sneak in one
or two VHF QSO's. No HF in the plane yet..)

73, Eric  WA6HHQ
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