G4ILO wrote:

What this software does appear to do is to show the *calls* of every station
operating within the passband. This means that an operator using the
software will be able to spot someone they haven't already worked, a new
multiplier or whatever, much quicker than they would if they had to tune
around and listen. All that's needed - if it hasn't been thought of already
- is an interface between this program and popular logging software to
highlight the calls you most need to work.

There is already a similar function in most contest logging software, called the bandmap. The display looks the same, a bunch of calls vs. frequency. The software generally allows you to click on the call, which takes your rig to the appropriate frequency.

The difference is where the information comes from. The bandmap in current software is populated by dx cluster spots, received over a telnet connection or by a packet network. So before they appear, somebody has to spot them. And -- significantly -- many contests' rules state that use of a cluster puts the operator in an 'assisted' class.

This is a big deal. Would the rules need to call this 'assisted' as well? And if so, how could such a rule be enforced (there are ways to catch cheaters using clusters)? And how could a rule be written that would distinguish between software aids that do not constitute assistance and those that do? I doubt that it's possible.

If this really works -- and if it doesn't today, some day it will -- it will present a real challenge to contest sponsors. If the distinction between 'assisted' and 'unassisted' can't be maintained, then someone who does *not* use the software will be at a distinct disadvantage.

Personally, I always enter contests 'unassisted' because I like finding my own mults. I hope this doesn't become accepted practice.
Vic, K2VCO
Fresno CA
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