
| In a recent message, Robert Tellefsen <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote ...
| >Is there any adjustment to this delay?
| >I think the K2's delay is a bit longer,
| >for example.
| I agree there, Bob.  Using the K3 with the XV144 on CW, the XV relays
| clatter with every dot and dash which did not happen with the K2.  I am
| a bit worried that it can't be doing the XV144 relays much good.

Correct me if I'm wrong but aren't we mixing up two delays here? 
Currently there isn't an adjustable "PTT on/carrier up" delay on the K3, 
this is the same for the K2, approx 10ms if I remember correctly.  But did 
I not read that in semi break-in with the K3 you can adjust the release 
delay.  That should stop the relays rattling.

In fact, I did this on my K2 (QSK delay) to reduce the fast vacuum relay 
activity on my Acom amp.  Changed the t-r delay to 0.03 seconds.  I don't 
want to listen to noise between the dots.

There again I could be barking up the wrong tree.


Mike VP8NO

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