On Wed, Mar 5, 2008 at 9:38 PM, Tom Hammond <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Lee:
>  Were it me, I'd opt to buy a couple of the UN-amplified Motorola Mobile
>  speakers off E-Bay. They're a great match for the K3.
That's what I've always used.  Their response is more or less shaped
for voice communications and will get rid of the heavy bassy stuff
that the "hi-fi" boys transmit, and also roll off the annoying high
frequency noise.  This shouldn't be such a problem with the K3's audio
equalizer, but I have a matched pair of Motorola speakers that I plan
to wire up for my K3.  I also have a small sealed full range speaker
that I switch in when I listen to the broadcast stations.  It gives a
sound a lot like the old days with the six by nine speaker on the rear
deck of your favorite date-mobile.

Dave  W5DHM
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