Sorry you feel that way. I waited 9 months for my K3, which was about 4 months longer than first predicted by Elecraft. So I knew going in I would wait 5 months, and I suspected, based on prior history of other companies launches, that the wait would actually be longer.

I was willing to wait because I believed that the K3 was undoubtedly going to be the best radio available.

Now that I have had it for a month I am totally convinced I made the right decision, and that is after having owned some top of the line contesting rigs. BTW, this is my first Elecraft radio, so I am not an "Elecraftian" or a "Kool-Aid drinker".

My only advice is, don't deny yourself this radio for another 2 years.

Bob K4LW

Ed, WA3WSJ wrote:

Elecraft's shipping estimates are not accurate. I had ordered a K3 from
them in August of last year with 50% deposit. I waited no word, I waited
, no word. I then called them in late December and was told,
"sometime after February of next year."  I then pulled my K3 order and
asked for my $1300 back. Since then I have purchased a radio that I
really love. I might still purchase a K3, but not until Elecraft gets
their act together and has them ON THE SHELF. I'm now looking to buy a
HF/VHF/UHF rig, so the K3 will wait for a couple of years. That's
probably how long it will take them to have a K3 on the shelf.

Elecraft was not ready to start selling K3s and they know it. This
situation has left me with, " a bad taste in my mouth" concerning
Elecraft. Oh yes, I have built a K1, K2 and a KX1. All are great radios
and all arrived here in a REASONABLE time period. I can't say that for
their K3.



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