Actually the purchaser does have the ability to decide on the importance
of the EMI signature.  Many of the laptop products only have to stand up
to the A standard.  Where as some companies have tougher requirements
and require things to stand up to a higher standard.  

I work for a company that designs bar code scanners.  My company is the
ONLY organization of them all in the production of large fixed
installation scanners that requires our products to pass the B standards
rather than class A.  (Essentially the class B standards require that
you are about 10dB below the class A standards).  Not to mention the
fact that we require that we pass with at least 3dB of margin so
technically we require our products to be 13dB better than we really
have to be.  

Not to mention the rest of the testing that we do on our products.  In
the large supermarket fixed installation scanners we actually slam a 30
pound bag of lead shot directly onto the scanner from 2 feet.  We call
this the "Turkey Drop" test.  We also hit the products with 25,000 volts
ESD discharges and require that this causes zero failures while the
industry standard is 15KV. 

Anyway the point of the whole thing is that we are the manufacturer and
designers of the scanner.  We purchase power supplies from Chinese
manufacturers and we as the purchaser mandate the requirements of the
supply.  If we did not there would be no way that we could stand up to
our own standards.  Honestly I've personally not run much in the way of
testing on the laptop power supplies but I do know that we run switchers
to power our products.  Mainly because we need to be able to support the
use of our product worldwide but also because California is now
outlawing the use of unregulated transformer based linear supplies in
new products.  Maybe next time I'm at the lab if I have some free time
I'll run some tests on my dell power supply.  Honestly I have used my
laptop as a host before and have found that with only some very minor
mods my Latitude D610 can be made to pass class B.  I only had to add a
few pf's of capacitance here and there and it works great.  But that
doesn't mean that I don't still slap ferrites on all of the cables to
and from our product that I'm allowed! :)  We'll see if I end up with
some free time... Although at $350 an our for lab time you tend to get
very good use of the time! ;)

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