In reply to Dick Green WC1M  /  Mon, 05 May 2008 23:06:37 -0700
I would imagine there's been some talk about the ergonomics of changing bands on the K3. Before I add my two-cents, has Elecraft committed to any improvements in this area? 73, Dick WC1M

I took the advice of one of our loyal contributors as I have copied below. Works wonderfully for me. I have memories set for DX beacons as well.

Windy KM5Q
K3 #764
Santa Fe, NM


Date: March 10, 2008 6:24:41 PM MDT

To: Elecraft Reflector <>

Subject: [Elecraft] K3: remembering filters per mode, etc

I think it might be valuable to share how some of us (but not ALL of

us!) set up our K3's.  You can really do a lot of neat things in terms

of setting it up.

Remember that the memories can store a TON of information per memory.

Here is what I have done; maybe it will give some you a couple of

ideas for YOUR approach.

First, I loaded the keypad memories (0-9) as a sort of band switch.  I

borrowed (stole) from another user's idea which was posted here quite

a while ago.  It was "clever" and is worth repeating.

For the Keypad #'s I did this (slightly different than what was

originally suggested, but works for me).

1 = 10 meters

2 = 20 meters

3 = 30 meters

4 = 40 meters

5 = 15 meters (five and fifteen both start with the same sound...)

6 = 160 meters (emphasis on the 6 sound)

7 = 17 meters

8 = 80 meters

9 = 12 meters (so it's not perfect)

0 = 6 meters (which I don't have an antenna for, so I "kept it out of the way")

Now here's the "trick."  I made sure to set VFO A for CW with all of

my favorite CW parameters (meter display = SWR and RF Power, filters =

500hz (what I have here), DSP BW = 400hz (what I like), VOX, QSK,

AGC=F, etc.  I set up VFO B for SSB, again with my favorite SSB

parameters (meter display = CMP ALC), AGC = S, filter = 2.7 (what I

have), DSP BW = 2.6, Shift = down a bit (how I set it up), HI/LO as I

set it up, etc.  This is done via filter modes I and II.  I am not

using Alt 1 and Alt 2 for my style, but you can.  Don't forget to be

on your favorite frequency for the mode you are selecting.

I did this for EVERY band (key-pad number, as per above cheat sheet).

So if I'm on 10m cw and want to go 15m cw, I tap M>V, then tap 5 on

the keypad, and I'm there!  If I had wanted to go to SSB on 15, I'd do

the same thing, but when "done" I would tap VFO A/B and I'm on SSB in

the SSB portion of the band.  If you operate mostly SSB, set them up

so that VFO A has the SSB info.

But now it gets even better (at least for me).

The M1 = M4 memories also store "all that stuff" but on a per band

basis.  So, let say I'm on 15m.  I put 21000 into VFO A and 21060 into

VFO B (the latter being the QRP frequency).  For each (both on CW), I

set up the other parameters as I like for CW.  I put that into M1.

For M2, I set up for SSB.  VFO A = "the bottom of the phone band,"

along with all my favorite SSB settings.  I set VFO B for somewhere

higher in the band, say 21.350, again with all my favorite SSB

parameters, including filters, shift, etc.

For M3, I set up for RTTY.  I'm not a big RTTY type, so basically I

have a discrete frequency "somewhere" where the RTTY guys seem to hang

out, set the MODE for FSK D, decoder ON, CWT=ON, etc. and when I want

to see some RYRYRYRY, I just M3.

So once I "get to" 15m using my "keypad band switch," I can zero in on

where I want to be using M1 - M4.

Do this on every band.

This may not be the "best" way for you, but I like it! Kind of a neat trick.

Right now, TX5C is the callsign of the Clipperton DxPedition.  Over

the last two days, they have been rock solid on "fixed" transmit

frequencies (at least on cw) per band.  It is trivial to plug those

into the memories per band (say, M4).  SPLIT is saved and I would pick

something "up 5" as a starting point.  Or you might want to use the

XIT instead.  By the way, if you LOCK their transmit frequency, that

appears to be SAVED also.  Amazing.  Prior to using LOCK on their

transmit freq, I found myself thinking that I was tuning around for

where I should transmit (in split) when I was actually on THEIR

frequency (not a good idea, since I then "lost" where they were

transmitting).  So LOCKING the VFO on their transmit frequency

completely prevents that from happening.  Maybe this is what getting

old is.  LOL

Doing all of this, I never use the MODE switch and BAND up/down.  I

haven't added up how many "taps" it takes to do it this way vs the

"other" ways, but this is way is fun and I'm not navigating all of the

front panel and having to spin the VFO like crazy or pushing RATE or

COARSE buttons to get close to where I want to be.

Setting up every parameter the way you want it for every band does

take a little time (not much once you get going) and also a little

skill.  I can't remember how many times I hit V>M instead of M>V and

"screwed up" what was in the memory, which was already the way I

wanted it.  But this is good practice for getting good at setting up

memories.  :-)
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