I ordered a K1 based that “They all … have built-in test equipment to simplify 
alignment and
testing” (from the Elecraft web site).  Now -- according to Elecraft support -- 
I have to source
obsolete parts from China, buy drill equipment and copper bathroom pipe, and 
rip apart my
television (or my computer) to cannibalize printed circuit boards.

Either that or buy an oscilloscope that would cost me more than the K1.

I’m building a 2 band K1 -- 40 meters (band 1) and 20 meters (band 2).  During 
receiver alignment,
Band 1 (40 meters) seems to be working fine.  Band 2 (20 meters) however, does 

The support guys are telling me that I have to build an RF probe for further 
testing, and they’ve
pointed me to a schematic in the K1 user manual and told me to go build the 
probe from scratch. 
That's about as useful to me as pointing me to the schematic of the K1 and 
telling me to go build
the K1 from scratch. 

I'm a new ham (March, 2008).  I'm not a home electronic hobbyist.  I don't have 
test equipment.  I
have no experience at homebrew, nor do I have the knowledge to do so. I bought 
the K1 as a starter
to get my feet wet in working electronics.
After a number of emails with support about how to build an RF probe (a 
question that was
repeatedly ignored), I was finally referred to a couple of different web sites:

-  The first site starts out with “… using an old piece of double-sided printed 
circuit board that
you have in your junk bin …”.

Where exactly do I have double-sided printed circuit board sitting around?  Do 
I hacksaw off a
hunk from my television or from my computer?  Radio Shack doesn’t sell it, nor 
does Mouser.

-  The next site also wants me to use double-sided printed circuit board, plus 
they want me to
insert it into a copper pipe and drill holes through the pipe.

Riiiight … so in other words I have to go out and buy a drill that’s capable of 
drilling through
copper.  And I have to buy the copper pipe and end caps.  Will I have to get 
the pipe threaded in
order to mount the end caps?

-  Then there’s the site that built the RF probe inside a ball-point pen.  The 
author of that site
admitted that it took him a number of tries before he was able to build it 
without breaking the
diode, and that this is a project for the more advanced hobbyist.

It also turns out that nobody carries the diode specified by the schematic 
(1N34A).  According to
Mouser, it’s obsolete and out of stock, but if I want to pay a couple of 
hundred bucks, they’ll
gladly source it from China.  Mouser will sell me something that they claim is 
a replacement for
the 1N34A, but all of the web sites I've been referred to tell me not to use 
that specific

I bought a kit because it comes with all the parts, has a pre-built chassis, 
has pre-drilled
holes, and includes complete and well-thought out instructions on how to mount 
everything  -- as
well as a commitment to provide support during the construction process.

Maybe in two or three years I'll have the experience to build my own RF probe, 
but in the meantime
I'm stuck with a K1 that I can't finish without an RF probe, and there's no way 
that I can build
an RF probe without a trip to China.  

Anybody want a mostly complete K1?  Make me an offer -- I'll even throw in 


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