I got several favorable replies to my proposal below, so let's start right away. 40m has been S8 noise level for me, but usable. 20 is very good! I'll going to pay most attention to 20, but I'll listen to 40. I think we'll have a more viable net this way. Even if it only results in a few personal QSO's that's fine. Consider it a place to meet. Give a call. See what happens.

So again:

(In Europe that's Tuesday and Friday mornings)
FREQUENCIES:   7.192* MHz and 14.316

* +/- the QRM

If this doesn't work, I may give up until winter approaches!

Windy KM5Q

SSB Nets were off to a good start through the winter, but with seasonal shift, activity has faded on both the 20m and 40m nets. Last night for example, 40 was noisy and short, but 20 was jumping with 3- ways all over the USA and down to ZL, especially later in the evening. I suggest we schedule two bands at once. With my K3/ATU, I can switch between 40 and 20m net frequencies with two taps of either memory or band switch. Some of us have two rigs and can also do it with ease. Let's use our capabilities (especially when sub-RX arrives). Time is the next issue. Best time now is when nearly all USA is dark -- that's hard for some Easterners on a "school night". So let's set TWO check-in times. Two times? Two bands? Numerous solid 2-way QSOs are more satisfying than 20 minutes spent checking in 10 guys at a bad time.
So here's my proposal:
(In Europe that's Tuesday and Friday mornings)
FREQUENCIES:   7.192* MHz and 14.316

* 7.190 has been busy. 7.192 is more clear but maybe there's a better hole. Let's observe.
   14.316 at night? Also subject to observation.

The Sunday net has also been unresponsive lately. Let's take that up next.
Windy KM5Q
Santa Fe, NM
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