It worked! Tonight the noise level was even higher than usual on 40 and 20, but we had exchanges on both bands. At 0130 I contacted WA7BOC Roger on 20. We moved to better conditions on 40. We had 5 check-ins on 40. Bruce in Toledo, W8FU was in for the first time on K3 #844.

At 0230, I raised nobody on 20, but had a strong contact with WA7BOC again on 40. We had a nice 2-way.

So this seems to be a workable net plan. Sunday on 20m remains the same schedule. Here again:

MONDAY & THURSDAY USA-NIGHTS / 0130 & 0230 UTC (In Europe that's Tuesday and Friday mornings)
FREQUENCIES: 7.192* MHz and 14.316 * +/- the QRM
Use memories or band switch to go back and forth, to see what works best.

SUNDAYS 1800 UTC 14.316 MHz

If you don't hear anybody, please call the net yourself -- There isn't always a regular net control present.

Hope to hear you,
Windy KM5Q
Santa Fe, NM
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