Jim Miller-14 wrote:
> I keep seeing talk of the 400(435) or 500 combined with the 250(370).  I
> see
> very little talk about the 200.  My thought was to use the 400 and the
> 200.
> Maybe the decision should include the 500/200 combination.  Is the 200
> just
> "too narrow" or why don't I see more apparent use of it?  I know, what is
> my
> use?  I want to be able to operate most all modes except AM and FM where I
> have very little interest at this time.  Will the 400 cut out RTTY?
> The other configuration I was considering was the 500 and the 250 but
> hadn't
> added the filters to my order yet as I was trying to make up my mind but
> comments here aren't really helping with my decision.

Here are the options you are considering:

400 and 250:  A waste of money IMHO.  Since the 400 is actually 435 and the
250 is actually 370, there is only 65 Hz difference in this combination and
you'll probably never notice the difference between them (370/435 = only 15%
narrower).  Total cost $250.

500 and 250:  The 500 (actually 565) is a nice BW for contests since you can
hear callers who are off-frequency.  The 250 (actually 370) is 35% narrower
so you'll notice a little more difference than above.  Total cost $225.

500 and 200 (mine is ~210 Hz):  This is my choice.  I like the 500 since it
is "wide enough" for off-frequency callers and yet the 200 is great for
severe contest QRM situations like the bottom end of 40m was during CW WPX
or 160m during one of the 160 contests.  Having used the 200 in several 160
contests, I wouldn't consider being without it.  Total cost $200.

RTTY/PSK considerations:  I'll let someone else address since I don't use

Diversity considerations:  If you choose 5-pole filters the offsets need to
be matched but I believe Elecraft will provide some alternatives for this. 
For CW filters, it should be possible to split the difference in minor
offset differences and any passband shape differences are not as critical as
on SSB (i.e. probably not an important consideration for CW filters).

IMD differences:  Negligible as Inrad, Sherwood and Ten-Tec have previously
stated, and as shown in Elecraft's own IMD measurements on the roofing
filter page previously cited.

You'll probably get N different opinions from N different users so you'll
have to decide for yourself!

73,  Bill

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