Well said John,

The ME, ME, ME generation is everywhere these days. Unfortunately, that 
includes ham radio. All of the "MEs" want their own custom K3. I love the K3 
just the way it is.  I look forward to whatever Wayne, Eric and company decide 
to incorporate into the K3 or other radios in the future. I concede the fact 
that I don't know how to design a radio like the K3. Many on here apparently 
think they could do a better job with their "better" ideas. I'm willing to 
simply learn how to operate a new radio whether or not it has one button band 
selection, band "stacking" functions, or size issues, etc.etc.etc. So much of 
it comes across as whining, not constructive suggestions. Everyone has the 
right to make their own choice when purchasing a radio. If they don't like 
their K3, they can sell it and buy something that satisfies their "ME" without 
having to compromise. ( Good luck there!) Maybe these folks should spend more 
time operatng and less whining.

Dave N8AG

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