It was actually one of your earlier posts (thanks!) that prompted me to
inject the IF signal before and after the IF Amp. At that point I had pulled
out lot of hair and lost sleep over a low sensitivity K2.

As to when the solder bridge got there... I'm not 100% certain that a bridge
was the problem. But after I realized that the IF Amp was not amplifying I
went over the solder points around the chip (I actually removed the chip and
installed it again). The radio then started to work. It was actually a bit
of a surprise since I never saw the problem - especially since I looked very
closely at all the points through an amplifying glass many times before AND
since all the voltages at MC1350 measured at specs while I had the problem.
It was just the IF signal that wasn't amplifying leading me to at first
think that the chip itself was defect.

I only assume it was a solder bridge. And if that's the case it was probably
made by me.

Are - LB3SA

TF3KX wrote:
> Just out of curiosity...
> Where was that solder bridge on the MC1350?  Was it already on the SMD
> assembly when you received it, or was it something you caused by your
> soldering?
> The reason I ask is that I had a problem with my SMD MC1350, never found
> out what caused it, and just replaced it.  If there is something there to
> watch out for, it may help others...
> 73 - Kristinn, TF3KX

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