Dave G4AON wrote:
For those who are RSGB members, see:


The K3 review by Peter Hart has just been posted.

As it is copyright RSGB, so I can't quote much of it, but Peter concludes with:

"The K3 is an impressive
radio, which has attracted much interest
and orders. One of the leading radios for
close-in dynamic range and with excellent
features, it is an ideal radio for use at home,
field day or DXpeditions"

Hopefully Elecraft will obtain permission from RSGB to post the review publicly, as happened with the QST review.

Most of the five pages are taken up by a description of the K3, which will be very familiar to existing users. The really interesting parts are towards the end, the on-air impressions and the measurements - although here too, many of the issues are familiar.

One important thing to add is that the review would have been written *before* the major MCU 1.87 / DSP 1.69 update released on May 3rd, so Peter did not see the K3 in its current state of performance.


73 from Ian GM3SEK         'In Practice' columnist for RadCom (RSGB)
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