Hello friends,

I discovered one configuration need which I am not sure if it is implemented. Mostly I am using Low power (miliwat) transverter connection via KXV3 module. So RX and TX channel from transverter splitted and connected to RX/TX ports. This works fine.

Now I have on the table some transverter used before with my TS-850 using 15dBm drive and having also splitted RX / TX already.

So I set transverter power to H 0.1 to have 20dBm on main ANT port (having small pot in transverter to go down for required level) and RX cable from this transverter I hope to put to KXV3 RX port and then choose RX ANT on K3. But when H 0.1 is choosed all transverter signals (RX/TX) are going ONLY via main ANT and there is not possible to swith RX ANT to use independent transverter RX port. (switching has no influence, no signal from transverter connected to KXV3 RX port for RX - when change to L x.x settings, standard signal there) This is not problem when transverter has only one RX/TX port and R/T relay inside but if this one has already RX/TX splitted how to use such unit with K3 in transverter mode with H x.x drive?

Maybe I missed something, please let me know. Maybe there is some serious system reason why RX ANT not available during transverter mode with H x.x power level.

Thanks for any experience/feedback,

Lexa, ok1dst
K3/10 #727
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